It’s time for a 5-minute Email Signature Makeover

When was the last time you updated your email signature or took the time to see if it was interesting enough to prompt someone to click on your website link or give you a call? If you’re not sure, then it sounds like the time is now!

These days, your email signature is not only your business card, but it may influence the perception people have about your company and services you provide.

Follow these simple tips to start your Email Signature Makeover.  Embrace your creative spirit and get started NOW

  • Limit the number of lines in your signature.  Keep it short, concise and provide only the most relevant information. Try to limit your signature to just four lines of text.
  • DO NOT use multiple colors or fonts. Your design will become distracting and difficult to read. Refer to the fonts and colors identified in your company’s graphic standards guide. Or, look to your company logo for inspiration.
  • Be creative with your design. Professional doesn’t mean monotone. Give your signature some personality. For example, the vertical bar | allows you break up awkwardly long lines and avoid empty spaces.
  • Should you include a picture or logo?  If you feel that an image is essential, make sure the image is small, but readable, and goes well with your signature theme and color. Make sure the file isn’t too large, as it may end up in a spam or junk folder.
  • Don’t Be Shy! Use your signature as your best promotional tool. Do you have something you’d like to share? Perhaps a blog, special promotion, case study, or book you just published?  If you have a tool that can inform your reader, go for it!
  • Test your updated email signature in various email browsers. Make sure your email signature looks consistent in various browsers and on mobile devices. You want to create an exciting new look but you also want to make sure it displays consistently.

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