October 19, 2017

From Guest Lists to Giveaways: How to Organize a Special Event

Special events are by definition special. They are not cookie cutter and typically involve unique elements that you may not encounter when planning a meeting or conference. Special events come in all shapes and sizes. From an Olympic torch relay through the streets of Washington, DC, to a trio of strolling strings welcoming guests to …

August 10, 2017

It’s time for a 5-minute Email Signature Makeover

When was the last time you updated your email signature or took the time to see if it was interesting enough to prompt someone to click on your website link or give you a call? If you’re not sure, then it sounds like the time is now! These days, your email signature is not only …

August 10, 2017

Choosing a Conference App

Conference mobile apps are very popular and can be useful in many ways. With so many options, we do not have a single preferred app; rather, we like to speak with our clients in order to gather event details before making a recommendation. One size does not fit all. There are several considerations to determine …

August 7, 2017
Meeting Planning Registration Checklist

On-site Registration Checklist

Have long lines at your conference registration made you cringe? Have your attendees complained about having to wait to check-in? If you follow CMP’s Best Practices to ensure smooth on-site registration you will avoid these negative first impressions of your event. Here are some tips on how to avoid this meeting blunder, wow your attendees, …