State Data Coordinators & Library Statistics Working Groups Meet in the Grand Canyon State
December 5-8, 2017 | Phoenix, AZ

CMP managed the annual meetings of IMLS State Data Coordinators (SDC) and Library Statistics Working Group (LSWG) Annual Meetings at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Phoenix, AZ.

This meeting was attended by 60 library professionals from across the US, including participants from as far away as America Samoa, Guam, and Hawaii.  Sessions included a mix of interactive plenary and breakout sessions.

 Services Provided:

  • Site Selection & Contract Negotiation                                                           
  • Material Production
  • Facility Logistics
  • Food and Beverage Coordination
  • Travel and Lodging
  • Onsite Implementation
  • Attendee Reimbursement
  • Financial Reconciliation

CMP Value Added:
CMP has partnered with the IMLS on this meeting for the past 5 years. In prior years, we hosted the meeting in Washington, DC and Louisville, KY. Therefore, we understand the “ins and outs” of this program.  We know many of the participants from past programs and were able to pull data on dietary restrictions and other special needs they may have requested in the past.  With a program of this size, it’s manageable to provide a personal touch of this nature.

CMP was also able to secure a guest room rate at government per diem, negotiate an audio-visual contract with an overall discount of 25%, and  print registration materials and signs locally to reduce the cost of printing and shipping.

Client Testimonial:
“I’ve worked with the CMP Team on the past two annual State Data Coordinator meetings and find them a pleasure to work with. We appreciate everything the CMP team has done to help us incorporate last year’s feedback to make this year’s event a smashing success.  This year’s attendees responded overwhelmingly that this year’s event was one of the best they’d had as a community. CMP always has the smallest details taken care of, and makes it look easy. Thanks to CMP for all their help and support during the SDC meeting.”

Marisa Pelczar, Program Analyst, Institute of Museum and Library Services